I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

December 29

At the end of every year, we load up all our donations. There is a goodwill station in the vanpool lot near the freeway. I suppose someone will find our junk useful.

December 30

The stocking holders are supposed to spell NOEL. Our family can't leave them alone and constantly rearrange them. LONE * is a family favorite.

December 31

I can't remember how many years in a row we have been going to the Cannata's for New Year's Eve. It is always so much fun. There was a time when all the kids in both families were there, but now, they all have their own parties to attend, so we only get them for a little while. This year, I had too many cosmos and champagne and paid for it the next morning.

January 1

Even on New Year's Day, there is laundry to be done. Hangovers aren't an excuse for putting it off another day.

January 2

Three weeks after we put it up, the tree still looks nice, undecorated, but nice.

January 3

Every woman should have a photo of her mammogram machine.

January 4

Dennis has so many boxes and Lucy loves to climb. What a perfect combination.

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