I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

...and I keep going

I have been keeping up with taking the photos, but have gotten behind in posting them. It is getting harder to find new and different things to photograph - I don't live a very exciting life.

February 10

Lucy had so much fun playing in the packing peanuts. She knocked the box over and spread them all over the living room floor. Another time, she worked her way into the box that I thought had been shut up tight.

February 11

Dennis and I drove to the Inland Empire on the 11th to visit his sister and my mother. The sky was beautiful and I took this photo from a moving a car. We were eastbound on the 60.

February 12

No, Erin does not have a tatoo! She has a tendency to write on herself and this was her latest effort. She went to work with this on her wrist. I hope her long sleeves kept this covered.

February 13

One of the nice perks at work is the unlimited drinks. We get all the bottled water, soda, juice, milk, coffee we want. The Sparkletts is stacked next to the drinks cooler waiting for the cafeteria staff to put it away and for those folks who like their water at room temperature.

February 14

Happy Valentines Day! Dennis sent me three dozen roses to work from ProFlowers.com. The funny thing is that they arrived in a box and I had to put them in water. 36 roses because it was our 31st Valentines Day and he could only buy in dozens. They were beautiful and he certainly impressed the girls at work.

February 15

I have been going to Dr. Swanson since 1994 and this is where his office is located. This was a good appointment, because I learned that the blood pressure medication is working. I was very surprised in December to learn that my blood pressure, which had always been low, was getting higher than the doctor wanted.

February 16

One of my pet peeves is people not cleaning up after themselves. Everyone living in this house is an adult and to me that means responsibility. Erin has a habit of waiting too long to start getting ready for work and ends up not having time to put the iron and ironing board away before she leaves for work. Makes me crazy!

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